In accordance with the applicable laws of the United Arab Emirates, the following General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply.

This document is provided exclusively online in electronic form and is not considered a written contract. It governs the legal relationships related to the use of the service provider’s website at and its international subdomains. These GTCs are accessible at any time via the website’s menu.

Please read the General Terms and Conditions carefully before using our website.



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Website: and country-specific variants of the website.


2.1 The purpose of the website service is to provide users with the opportunity to publish escort and erotic partner search ads as well as reviews. The service allows registered members to access the profiles of other registered natural persons and to contact them.

2.2 In cases not governed by these GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS and for which the interpretation of UAE law is relevant, the mandatory provisions of the relevant law shall be binding and enforceable for the parties.

2.3 All rights to the content of the website, its parts, and its distribution belong to the service provider. Downloading, storing, processing, or reselling the content published on the website is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the service provider.

2.4 By purchasing or registering on the website, the user declares to have read and accepted these GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS as well as the terms of data processing published on the website. The user agrees to data processing and is aware of our business policy and the conditions for granting discounts.

2.5 The service provider assumes no liability for delivery delays or other problems and errors resulting from incorrect and/or inaccurate data provided.

2.6 The service provider is not liable for damages resulting from users forgetting their passwords or making their accounts accessible to unauthorized persons for reasons beyond its control. Users can request a new password if they forget their old one.

2.7 By entering the website, users implicitly declare to be of legal age and that visiting the website and viewing erotic content is not prohibited by national law in their country and does not contravene any binding regulations.

2.8 The use of the website for purposes considered unlawful, unfair, or harmful to the website or third parties is prohibited.

2.9 Our website acts as a hosting provider, where we link the profiles of advertisers with those of visitors. The service provider only guarantees moderation and data protection for advertisers and contacts.


3.1 There are two user categories on the website: advertising users (ladies, agencies) and regular users, referred to as members.

3.2 The services can only be used by adults on a voluntary basis.

3.3 By accessing the website or reading its content, even if the user is not registered, they agree to be bound by the content set forth in the terms. If the user does not accept the terms, they are not entitled to view the content of the website.

3.4 By registering, the user confirms having read and accepted these GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS as well as the privacy policy/GDPR conditions and agrees to data processing.

3.5 When registering, users are required to provide their own genuine personal data. The use of false or data associated with other persons leads to the nullity of the resulting contract. The service provider disclaims any liability if users use the services of the website on behalf of another person or with the data of another person.

3.6 The service provider is not liable for delivery delays or other problems and errors resulting from incorrect and/or inaccurate data provided.

3.7 The service provider is not liable for damages resulting from forgetting passwords or unauthorized access to accounts for reasons beyond its control. Users can request a new password if they forget theirs.

Advertising Users (Members)

3.8 Given the profile and name of the site, only adult women and transgender individuals are allowed to advertise on our site.

3.9 Profiles appearing to be “male” will be deleted in accordance with the above point.

3.10 Only independent advertisers and agencies may register on the website. Profiles referencing other ad sites with similar activities will be deleted without prior notice.

3.11 Registration for advertisers is free. Only advertising and special services incur costs.

3.12 Only an email address and password are required for registration. After that, they must confirm that they can access the website in this way.

3.13 Advertising space and options can be purchased in the registration profile, either during registration or at a later time.

3.14 Advertisers select the desired type of ad and add the product to the shopping cart. Registration is required to complete the purchase. After confirmation, users can choose between credit card or cryptocurrency payment.

3.15 Advertisers can choose from four advertising options, including free ads and various payment terms and price categories depending on the ad location.

3.15.1 VIP profiles are displayed before free ads by default and receive special treatment on the website.

3.15.2 Paid banner ads are placed in various locations on the website and can be provided by advertisers.

3.15.3 Advertisers can run multiple VIP and banner ads simultaneously.

Regular Users (Visitors)

3.16 Adults can view ads and other content on the website without registration.

3.17 This point has been removed.

3.18 There are three ways regular users can contact advertisers: direct contact via phone number, website links or banners, or by sending a message.

3.19 Message transmission is done through the service provider’s server and is treated confidentially. The service provider encrypts the data and does not share it with third parties.


4.1 All content uploaded by registered users (including texts, images, photos, videos, and other materials) are subject to the rules and regulations regarding user content.

4.2 Under this agreement, users are responsible for the information they publish. Posting false or offensive data leads to immediate termination of the contract and prohibition of the registered member.

4.3 However, please note that our ability to control the quality, compatibility, or security of members is limited. We do not review all information posted on the website. By accepting this agreement, you agree that the information about other members may be inaccurate or misleading despite the prohibitions described in these General Terms and Conditions.

4.4 We do not assume responsibility for differences between the image displayed on the website and the actual appearance of the advertiser. Although we strive to filter out photos that do not depict the advertiser, the images displayed on the profiles may serve as illustrations and may differ from reality.

4.5 By providing their personal data, advertisers consent to data processing and choose which individual or special data they wish to disclose. We do not conduct profiling and do not use the data for other purposes. Since the website is public, we warn advertisers that others may misuse their data and recommend being cautious with the information they share about themselves.

4.6 The photos published on the website are uploaded by registered advertisers. Therefore, users are responsible for the authenticity of the photos, their copyrights, and the accompanying text.

4.6.1 Photos with text, logos, phone numbers, or email addresses may not be uploaded.

4.6.2 Photos where the advertiser is not clearly recognizable will be deleted.

4.6.3 Posting photos or videos of genitalia or sexual acts is strictly prohibited and will result in the deletion of content and possibly the blocking of the profile.

4.7 All users can contact advertisers at their discretion and at their own risk without obtaining the service provider’s consent. However, we strive for a system that minimizes fake profiles.

4.7.1 Visitors can report fake photos or fraudulent advertisers via the website.

4.7.2 The service provider will investigate the reports and may ask the advertiser to verify their ad or remove the ad without prior notice.

4.8 Multiple advertising by the same person, false information, or the use of photos of other people constitute serious breaches of contract and lead to the immediate deletion of the profile and a ban on future ads without refund.

4.9 The user grants the website owner an international, irrevocable, non-exclusive, and royalty-free license to use the uploaded content.

4.10 The user guarantees that the content complies with all requirements.

4.11 The content must not be unlawful or infringe the rights of third parties.

4.12 We reserve the right to change, edit, or delete content that violates the rules or standards of the website.

4.13 Photos or videos with inappropriate content will not be accepted and may result in the suspension of the account.

We would like to point out that violations of these rules may lead to the suspension of your account. With special care:

Users must not abuse the service or the information published thereon. Unauthorized access to information published on the service or on the networks supporting the service is prohibited. Information or materials concerning intellectual property rights may not be published or copied unless prior consent is obtained. Information and data published on the website, including profiles of other members, may not be copied wholly or partly for purposes other than fulfilling this contract. Sending newsletters, spam emails, or junk mails to other members is prohibited. Users may not transfer, share, or enable third parties to use the service. Forwarding, publishing, or sending information, images, or materials by email to other members containing pornographic, racist, offensive, defamatory, harassing, outrageous, threatening, slanderous, or impolite content is prohibited. It is assured that no punishable acts according to the Civil Code are committed on the website. It is prohibited to forward, publish, or email information, photos, or materials that are likely to violate the political or religious views of other members or contravene applicable law. Uploading material containing viruses or copyrighted material to the service is prohibited. It is not allowed to intrude into the mail accounts of other members. The use of devices, software, or programs aimed at impairing the proper use of the website is prohibited. Offensive behavior, promotion of racist prejudices or ideas is strictly prohibited. Users are prohibited from creating multiple accounts to avoid misleading users.


5.1 The content, features, design, domain name of the website, and other elements of the website are the property of Toko Boelle Media LTD, and they are subject to international legal protection.

It is prohibited to:

copy the content of the website and use it on another website. sell, rent, or trade the content of the website. make the content of the website accessible to the public. copy, duplicate, or use any kind of content for commercial purposes. modify the content of the website. resell or utilize any kind of content for commercial purposes (e.g., newsletters).


6.1 Users have the option to purchase banner and VIP advertising for their marketing purposes. The price depends on the type of product, the selected country, and the duration of the advertising period. Further details on payment options can be found on the advertising page.

6.2 Since external links are not controlled by us and the respective pages allegedly do not belong to us, we strongly advise you to read the privacy policy/GDPR and these Terms and Conditions carefully before clicking on a page owned by a third party.


7.1 The user, especially the consumer, acknowledges that he/she cannot exercise the right of withdrawal:

in the case of service contracts after the service has been provided, if the company has started providing the service with the explicit, prior consent of the consumer and the consumer has accepted the loss of the right of withdrawal after the service has been provided; with regard to a product or service whose price and fee cannot be influenced by the company and depends on the possible volatility of the global markets until the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal; with respect to data content provided via a non-material digital storage medium if the company has started the completion and the consumer has simultaneously declared to have accepted the loss of the right of withdrawal.

7.2 Warranty Conditions

We provide the service in its current form without warranty that it meets the requirements, objectives, and/or expectations of the user. We do not assume responsibility for guaranteed contacts with other members during the subscription. We do not guarantee the availability of information accessible through the service. We do not guarantee errors in the service, its results, accessibility, and/or smooth operation, if the errors are due to improper operation or failures of the telephone network, telephone lines, or online computer systems, servers, or service providers, computer hardware, software, overloaded email or internet. The website merely serves as a platform for publishing information about members and allows anyone to contact other members at their discretion. As a user, you acknowledge that the information published by other members in their profiles merely reflects how they characterize themselves. We recommend that you do not assume that all information published on the profiles is correct and accurate. We do not review every profile for accuracy and precision of data, nor whether they are misleading. We do not confirm or guarantee that the data provided on the profiles is correct and we do not take responsibility for verifying information on the profiles. Before relying on the information published in a profile or information obtained through the service, we recommend that you verify its accuracy at your own expense. We do not guarantee that the service will be 100% available, but together with the hosting provider, we strive to resolve the issue, whether it is a problem with the server, the internet, or technical errors. We do not guarantee the authenticity of the data of advertisers, but we do our best to track and filter out false profiles.


8.1 Members have the right to terminate their subscription at any time by logging into their account and manually canceling the recurring payment in their “My Orders” section. We do not accept cancellations via email or live chat support. All users must do this manually in their administration area! After termination, future due amounts will not be debited from the bank account. Termination does not entitle the user to a refund. The paid period does not end with the termination of the subscription; the advertisement remains active until the end of the prepaid period.


9.1 We reserve the right to terminate your access to the website and its contents at any time without providing reasons. There will be no refund of the paid contributions. Members are also entitled to terminate their registration at any time.


10.1 Our website may contain links that do not lead the visitor to pages operated by us. Please carefully read the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS and the notice regarding the Privacy Policy/GDPR of these pages.


11.1 We disclaim all liability regarding the authenticity, content, completeness, legality, reliability, smooth operation, or availability of information or materials posted within the scope of the service. We are not liable for the behavior of our users.


12.1 The privacy and data processing information of the website, its subpages, and other pages comply with the requirements of the regulations for the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (April 27, 2016) of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU General Data Protection Regulation) and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), as well as the recommendations of the “Online Privacy Alliance.” See Privacy Policy/GDPR notice.


13.1 We reserve the right to unilaterally amend the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The changes will be published on the website at least 11 (eleven) days before they come into effect. By using the website, users automatically accept all provisions regarding the use of the website.


14.1 If you have any objections or complaints, you can contact the company using the availability specified in these GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Complaints will be processed in writing and free of charge.

14.2 In the event of a written complaint, we will investigate it upon receipt and send a written notification of the results within 30 days of reporting the complaint.

14.3 If the complaint concerns advertisers, we will handle it in accordance with Chapter IV of the General Terms and Conditions. To report such complaints, a nickname and a confirmed email address are required.

14.4 Reports of abuse of personal data and requests for deletion of personal data can be sent by email to or by post to our postal address. The reporter must provide the following information:

Name Address or email address Phone number Type of notification Description and reason for the complaint Needs and requirements related to the complaint Copy of documents that may be submitted to justify the complaint Any other data necessary for the investigation of the complaint 14.5 The written complaints – including records of complaints prepared during personal hearings – and the responses to them will be archived for five years. After the retention period expires, the data carriers (documents) will be destroyed. Personal data registered in the complaint register will be used exclusively for processing and assessing complaints.

14.6 If your complaint is wholly or partially rejected or if the deadline set for investigating the complaint has not yielded results, you may submit your complaint to the following authorities and bodies:

For advertisers: Our customers residing or domiciled in the United Arab Emirates may use the online dispute resolution platform for products and services purchased over the internet. The online dispute resolution platform is available at the following link: Event = For members: In contracts concluded on online platforms, the consumer can also use the online dispute resolution platform operated by the European Union, which is available at the following link: Visitors and users in general: Contact the national consumer protection authority and the dispute resolution bodies competent at your place of residence. The conciliation board is responsible for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes between consumers and businesses regarding the quality, safety of the product, the application of product liability rules, the quality of the service, and with regard to the conclusion and performance of the contract between the parties (consumer disputes). To this end, the mediation board seeks to reconcile the parties if no results are achieved, and to make a decision to ensure the simple, quick, effective, and inexpensive validation of consumer rights.


15.1 This agreement is concluded exclusively between us and you, and third parties have no claim to contractual rights. Third parties are therefore not authorized to enforce the conclusion of this agreement. This provision does not affect members of our corporate group, who have the right to execute the contract as if we were executing it. By entering into this agreement, all rights of third parties regarding the execution of this agreement expire, regardless of the consent of third parties.

15.2 You may not assign this agreement or rights related to the service to third parties. However, we are entitled to transfer the rights or obligations associated with the service from this agreement. In the event of the transfer of our rights to our successor, we will be released from any responsibility arising from this agreement.

15.3 If an advertisement published on the website violates your privacy rights, you may report it to us as described in Section 14.4.

15.4 If we do not immediately take action against your infringing behavior, this does not mean that we acknowledge the contractual breach, and there is no justification for further breaches.

15.5 This document constitutes the entire agreement between us and you as contracting parties. In the event that a competent authority deems any part or the entire text of the agreement unenforceable or void, the remaining parts and provisions of the agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.

15.6 The service provider is entitled to engage a contributor to fulfill its obligations under this agreement. The service provider is liable for the infringing behavior of this party in full, as if the service provider had committed the infringing behavior.

15.7 If any part of these GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS is invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity, lawfulness, and enforceability of the remaining provisions and parts of the contract.

15.8 If the service provider does not exercise its rights under these GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, the failure to exercise these rights does not constitute a waiver of these rights. Waiver of rights is only effective if there is an express written statement to that effect. The fact that the service provider does not insist strictly on fulfilling any of the conditions or provisions contained in the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS once does not mean waiving strict compliance with that condition or provision in the future.

15.9 The service provider and the user endeavor to settle their disputes out of court and amicably.

15.10 In some countries, legislation may differ, or the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS may require special conditions and additions. Information about your country can be found in Appendix I. If no Appendix I is attached, the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS apply without additions.

15.11 These GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS are valid from December 19, 2023, and remain in effect until revoked.